10 Jul Why is it worth engaging in technical dialogue with suppliers
It has been already over 5 years since the introduction of the amendment to the Public Procurement Law, enabling the contracting party to conduct a technical dialogue. It was an answer to the growing need for communication between contractors and public sector entities obliged to apply the Public Procurement Law. It is essential while preparation of Bidding procedure requires technical expertise on the solutions available on the market, which, as a rule, the contracting authority does not have.
The technical dialogue does not constitute a separate procedure for the award of a public contract, i.e. it does not end with the choice of a particular contractor. However, this does not mean in any case deviations from the basic principles set out in the Procurement Law. Dialogue must be conducted in a manner that ensures fair competition and equal treatment of potential contractors and solutions offered by them.
Technical dialogue – however rooted in the public sector – can also be successfully used in the private sector. The purpose of the dialogue is to enable the client to obtain knowledge necessary to prepare the procedure and tender documentation, including substantive knowledge on the solutions available on the market, good practices in the implementation process, maintenance and development rules, project implementation costs, and characteristics of entities that can successfuly deliver such solutions.
Softtutor Consulting supports clients in conducting dialogues and tender procees for the purchase of compplex IT solutions.