With an elevation of 5,109 m, it is the highest peak of Mount Stanley and the third highest in Africa. Ptolemy labeled these mountains in the correct location as “Lunae Montes” (The Mountains of the Moon) in his map published some 1800 years ago...

In the latest CRN Vademecum you can find record of the Round Table dedicated to the situation in the area of public procurement in IT industry. During the meeting participats diagnosed the existing problems in industry and tried to work out solutions and recommendations for...

The second of a 3-part series of essays by Michal Wiatr on public procurement in the December issue of ITWIZ. It presents a number of examples how contractors eagerness to obtain public contract influence they behaviour while participating in tenders....

The first of 3-part series of essays by Michal Wiatr on public procurement in the November issue of ITWIZ. It explains the reasons for using only price criterion, the causes of failures of IT projects in administration and the grounds of conflicts between purchasers and...

Softtutor Consulting zajął wysokie 18. miejsce wśród największych dostawców usług doradczych w 2013 roku oraz wysokie 30. miejsce na liście firm informatycznych o największym wzroście przychodów z IT w 2013 roku w rankingu Computerworld TOP 200....